Ocean's 8

Heading into Ocean's 8, I expected a fun heist movie with a cast of awesome women and that's exactly what I got, plus a little more. Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett lead a rock-solid cast of ladies in a movie that is just pure fun. Any initial concerns about an all woman reboot of a successful male driven franchise (a la Ghostbusters) should be and were put to bed as this badass group of women teaming up to pull off a heist was long overdue. Women can be sneaky and it's about time someone showed off just how cunning they can be... and in a wildly entertaining way.
Every member of this cast was brilliant in their role. Sandra Bullock (Debbie Ocean) is a tried and true lead of both the movie and the team. Her opening scene after being released from prison sets the tone of the whole movie. Anne Hathaway (Daphne Kluger) was perfection as an over-the-top diva actress. She really steals the show in the second half of the movie. Rihanna (Nine Ball) as a hacker couldn't have been more spot on. Just understated enough. Helena Bonham Carter's (Rose Weil) fashion designer role which, as a fashion fan myself, was not-so-subtly inspired by her favorite designer Vivienne Westwood. I couldn't help but notice that nod, even knowing Carter is an oddball herself. Sarah Paulson (Tammy) pulled off a perfect suburban mom turned un-retired criminal. And Cate Blanchett (Lou)... what can I say? Great as always as Debbie's super cool partner in crime. I could've used a little more Mindy Kaling (Amita) and Awkwafina (Constance), but their roles in the heist somewhat make up for the lack of presence elsewhere in the movie. Unfortunately with a cast this stacked, a couple members are bound to be under used.
I internally (or perhaps not so internally) groaned when I first saw James Corden pop up in the trailer, but he ended up being a fun addition to the storyline as the insurance investigator looking for the necklace and culprits. The list of cameos at the Met Gala would go on for days, but have some fun seeing who all you can pick out of the crowd. I'll be watching again to see who else I can find!
As I mentioned, I'm a fashion and art fan, so the Met Gala happens to be one of my favorite events of the year. It was such a fun setting for a heist, and essentially a bonus Met Gala! The glamorous gowns used in this film are a feast for the eyes, so if you enjoy a red carpet as much as I do, you'll love this additional beauty brought into the story. And not to forget, the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a gorgeous backdrop with some fun famous painting cameos!
There's no real indication, aside from the title of the movie leaving room for a 9 and 10, that we'll get a full female trilogy as we did with Ocean's 11-13, but I certainly hope there's more to come from this excellent ensemble. These ladies must have had fun making this film because it shines through their performances. You can't help but have a good time at this one, so make sure to go see it!
Brit's pro tip: Put your Hatha-hatin' aside for Anne Hathway as she leans hard into that persona she's been accused of having off-screen and makes you love her for it.